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Hypnobirthing classes!
After becoming a Certified Hypnotherapist and seeing how hypnosis works for pain management, anxiety and other issues, it occurred to me how useful hypnosis could be during pregnancy and childbirth, so I became a Certified Hypnobirthing Specialist.
When the mind and body work in harmony, fear and anxiety practically disappear. The information and tools offered my hypnobirthing course, can help you AND your birth partner feel calm, confident and in control during your pregnancy, childbirth and beyond.
Obviously any course with "hypno" in the title includes meditations and hypnosis techniques you can use during any type of birth situation as well as in your day to day life.
The course also provides information about how to work WITH your body instead of against it during the birth process by helping you understand how it works therefore minimizing pain.
We also help your birth partner become part of the experience with suggestions and tools they can use to be supportive and calm as you both negotiate the birth process.
The course includes 5, two and half hour interactive sessions for you and your birth partner, a printable guide and access to Hypnobirthing guided meditation recordings.
Classes can be done individually, or in group. If you are in the Asheville, NC area we can meet in person or via Zoom, and Zoom is perfect for anyone who can't attend in person.
Please contact me for more details about class content and pricing! [email protected]

What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is still one of the most misunderstood and under-utilized, yet extremely successful therapeutic modalities available. This is due in large part to the entertainment industry’s hijacking of hypnosis for Vegas shows, horror flicks and comedies. Nothing could be further from the true nature of hypnosis than the Hollywood version.
It is a heightened state of relaxation. While in trance, you are capable of responding physically and verbally, and generally, you remember everything that is said. If you do happen to fall asleep, it is simply because you have become so relaxed your body and brain were tired and needed rest. The good news is your brain still absorbed all the positive hypnotic suggestions.
You are in control of your trance the entire time. If for some reason, we are disconnected during your session, you will simply open your eyes and come out of trance as soon as you are ready.
Have you ever had a dream where you were not sure if you were awake or asleep? Or maybe you drive the same route to work or the grocery store for years, and one day you leave home, and all the sudden you are at your destination with no recollection of the journey there? That is an example of a trance state.
There are 4 main brainwave states: Beta – or the logical, thinking mind. Alpha, relaxation when you are awake, but your eyes are still closed. Delta, deep sleep, and Theta, that deep meditative state where the subconscious lies. Up until about the age of 7 we are in a constant state of Theta. We are learning sponges, and once our subconscious learns something, it accepts it, and commits it to memory. Our subconscious handles everything from how to breathe and digest our food to how to tie our shoes and our religious and political belief systems. Once our subconscious has accepted something as fact, it seeks out corroborating information and rejects anything contrary. The best way to create change is to get back into our subconscious, into the Theta brainwave state, and challenge those beliefs, create new neural pathways, the ones we want to have. That’s when real, lasting change occurs.
We all move in and out of various states of trance throughout our day, so everyone has the ability to be hypnotized. However, just like change, it can only happen if you want it to. No one can be hypnotized against their will. As far as being weak minded, in my experience, as long as one is a willing participant, the stronger, and more creative, or intelligent or inventive the mind is, the greater the success!
Hypnosis sessions do take longer than coaching sessions as we have a discussion prior to hypnosis, the induction, hypnosis, and if you wish, a discussion to process after. In terms of number of sessions, hypnosis focuses on one issue at a time, and it usually takes fewer sessions than coaching or traditional therapy because we are dealing directly with the subconscious mind. I have 6 session packages, but you can also pay as you go. Sometimes resolving one issue will have a domino effect, and sometimes, you will determine you want to use hypnosis to work on a different issue.
Currently all sessions are being done via Zoom or phone.
What is Life Coaching?
The main difference is that counseling is geared towards understanding and resolving the past, and coaching is focused on the present and the future.
Unlike many other life coaches, I am trained and have a degree as a Mental Health Counselor; however, I am not currently licensed as one (a lot of hoops to jump through after so many years between getting my degree and finally deciding to use it). I DO use my training as a Mental Health Counselor to inform my practice as a coach.
If we determine you have an issue that would be better served by a mental health professional, I will suggest you find a licensed practitioner in your local area and assist as needed.
Ultimately that is up to you! I believe that like a caterpillar, we all have the DNA of our own transformation inside of us. Your time in the cocoon is determined by you. I have individual sessions and three-month package discounts. We can discuss what is right for your during your free fifteen minute consultation.
My job as your coach is to help YOU figure out what is best for you, not to tell you what I think is best for you. You are the expert on you, I am the expert on helping you see the patterns you can’t see on your own, connect the dots, and create the life you want. In me, you will always find a safe, non-judgmental sounding board. Currently all sessions are done virtually via Zoom, or phone.