Tracie Kutner-Merwitzer, MEd/EdS Master Certified Life Coach & Hypnotist
They told you you could have it all. What they didn’t tell you is:
- How to get it.
- That it would be harder to juggle than your keys, cell, phone, water bottle, purse, computer bag, and umbrella as you try to get in and out of the car on a rainy day without falling on your butt or breaking your ankle in your very cute, but impractical, high heels.
- That you would feel like you were always sacrificing something or someone…
Have you been there? Trying every juggling trick you can think of? Have you even given up your family to focus on your career, or vice versa, and found out neither of those worked because there was still guilt? Dissatisfaction? Something missing?
Do you feel like you lost yourself along the way by getting so caught up in the roles and the juggling act, you've forgot how to live, I mean really live, not just exist?
I've been there too. I pushed myself to the point where my body finally said “enough is enough” and forced me to make some radical changes, to shift back to what I've always known was my life’s work and purpose. To heal old traumas and coping strategies that were no longer serving me and embrace life.
I see far too many other women just like you, out there still just existing. Trying to keep all the balls in the air, no longer remembering who they are, ready to run away, or burn it all down to the ground. Trapped. Overwhelmed. Despairing.
It doesn't have to be this way!
The life you want is out there, and it IS achievable. The woman you want to be is already inside you, waiting to spread her wings, and I can help you discover and develop her!
What Clients Are Saying...

What Can I Help You With?
There is no blood test for ADHD, a true diagnosis can only be made through a battery of tests administered by a licensed professional. However, you may have already wondered if this diagnosis would fit just by looking at patterns and behaviors in your life compared to what you have read online.
Many girls with ADHD go undiagnosed because their "flavor" is not the in your face hyperactive kind that would cause a ruckus. In fact, many aren’t diagnosed until well into adulthood because we (yes, I say “we”, because I have ADHD – the non-hyperactive kind) are so good at adapting, or masking, and doing the generally socially acceptable thing, we fly under the radar. But maybe you were the girl who “talked too much”, or blurted out the answer without raising her hand, or couldn’t always wait her turn. Or maybe you got bored easily and found yourself staring off into space rather than focusing on the work at hand because your thoughts had gone down the rabbit hole like Alice? You might have had undiagnosed ADHD.
ADHD could also look like a bunch of projects or hobbies you were very excited about, but never finished, or got bored with. Or being so overwhelmed with possibility that you don’t know where to begin and give up before taking the first step. It could also present in many, many other ways, and it brings along friends like Depression, and Anxiety.
No matter your flavor of ADHD, and no matter what methods you have or currently are using to treat the symptoms, some studies have shown that hypnosis can be effective in alleviating the symptoms of ADHD, and the friends it likes to hang out with, and the changes seem to last over time even better than other therapeutic modalities.
If you are interested in finding out just how powerful your ADHD brain is, and learning how to manage and work with, instead of against it, set up your consultation today.
Anxiety is a mental health issue most people will deal with at some point in their lives. Some people deal with it every day, to the point it becomes debilitating. Anxiety can center around specific fears or phobias, like public speaking or fear of flying, or it can be more generalized, like social anxiety. Managing anxiety normally takes a multifaceted approach that includes everything from therapy, meditation, food choices and physical activity to - potentially - medication, and, if it’s your jam, a spiritual practice. Hypnosis has been found to be extremely beneficial in the management of anxiety and phobias. As many of these anxious feelings start in the subconscious, a good place to address them IS, well, the subconscious.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can rewire your subconscious and manage your feelings of anxiety, set up your consultation today.
Have you ever wondered why we are so self-critical? Where did these limiting beliefs come from? Why do we hold ourselves back from achieving what is possible in our lives? It’s that niggling little voice inside our head that tells us we are not good enough, or we will fail, or we don’t know enough. Our inner “mean girl”. She may speak in our own voice, in the voice of a middle or high school bully, or a parent, or someone else entirely. Whoever she is, she actually has a purpose. She is trying to keep us from experiencing pain. The pain of failure, or embarrassment, loss, or a myriad of other possibilities. All of this is happening on a subconscious level, and is usually based upon some past experience or trauma that created a feeling we decided we never wanted to experience again. So now, our subconscious is keeping us small.
It is completely possible to get past these limiting beliefs, but it does take more than “the power of positive thinking” on the conscious, or Beta brainwave, level.
Want to learn more about how to overcome self-doubt and limiting beliefs? Set up your consultation today.
Many of us struggle with figuring out how to fulfill all the roles society claims we are supposed to do seamlessly without sacrificing anything, including in our own sanity. Oftentimes, we are the first thing we sacrifice. If you are feeling like one, or maybe even all parts of your life are out of control, like one piece is taking over, or you are just ready to burn it all to the ground and run for the hills, put down the lighter, take a deep breath, and contact me. You don’t have to figure it all out on your own. Balance is possible, but it is hard to see when you are standing in the middle of the chaos.
There are many more topics I can help with. Contact me, and we can discuss it further!
The above are just a sampling of the areas Life Coaching and Hypnosis can assist with. I have helped clients with issues of pain management, weight loss, and more.