
A person is doing yoga in the sunset.


By The Butterfly Effect Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy, LLC / April 4, 2022 / Comments Off on HYPNOSIS: AM I DOING IT RIGHT?

There’s no “right” way to do hypnosis. Just like every brain is different, every person experiences hypnosis slightly differently, and however you experience it, is exactly right for you. Just like some people learn by reading or seeing something (visual learners), some learn by hearing it explained (auditory learners), others need to physically experience doing an activity or feel it to grasp the information (kinesthetic learners), and still others need a combination of the above, each individual experiences hypnosis similar to how they learn best.

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What Is Hypnosis

By The Butterfly Effect Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy, LLC / January 7, 2022 / Comments Off on What Is Hypnosis

When I ask that question, do you immediately imagine bearded, pocket watch waving men with pipes, or stage shows where someone is quacking like a duck or pretending to do a striptease in front of an audience? Am I close? Thanks to mainstream media and the entertainment industry’s contributions, I generally have to start with…

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A diagram of the human head with an arrow pointing to it.

Hypnotherapy & Aromatherapy

By The Butterfly Effect Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy, LLC / December 7, 2021 / Comments Off on Hypnotherapy & Aromatherapy

Have you ever wondered why real estate agents suggest baking a batch of cookies right before an open house? What is the first thing you think about when you smell fresh baked cookies? Does it make a house feel more like a home? Why do you suppose the perfume industry raked in 31.4 billion in…

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